BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Consultants’ and Specialists’ Group Study day UID:2842 DESCRIPTION:Theme: Private practice for the future\n\nAgendaRegistration fee: £85 with limited onsite registration and online registration is now closed. Please check travel before registering. The study day is a face to face meeting with no online access. The registration fee has been subsidised by BAOMS to cover venue and catering costs. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - up to 5 hours (to be confirmed). DTSTAMP:20230713T173600Z DTSTART:20231207T100000Z DTEND:20231207T160000Z LOCATION:The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn Ashworth Centre, Meeting rooms 1-4, London, WC2A 3TL END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR