BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Primary Care - Head and Neck CPD Day UID:2796 DESCRIPTION:A one day update in head and neck disorders for primary care medical and dental professionals. Delivered by expert consultant ENT\, Maxillofacial and plastic surgeons based at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.\n\nAudience: General Practitioners\, GP trainees\, dental practitioners\, dental trainees\, other primary care medical and dental professionals.\n\nProgramme: Available here.\n\nCPD Points: 5 CPD points (to be applied for from the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons).\n\nGeneral Dental Council (GDC) CPD Domains: A\, C - see programme for details\n\nZoom link: Links to the day will be sent out 1 week prior to the day commencing.\n\nRecordings: Available to all who register.\n\nCPD certificates: Available on completion of electronic feedback form after the day / viewing of recordings. GDC CPD verifiable.\n\n DTSTAMP:20230116T114300Z DTSTART:20230324T090000Z DTEND:20230324T151500Z LOCATION:Virtual, via Zoom - recordings available after the day END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR