BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:13th International Head and Neck Cancer Quality of Life Conference UID:2752 DESCRIPTION:This conference is suitable for all those involved in head and neck cancer.\n\nThe meeting will be a great opportunity to get up to date\, for discussion and for networking.\n\nRegistration and Abstract submission is now open\n\nMeeting by registration only.  Registration fee: £90.00\n\nThere will be plenty of opportunity for oral presentations and postersWith limited number of keynote presentations the intention is to encourage a broad variety of issues to be aired by different mambers of the multi-professional teamPatient experiences and concerns (Patient presentations)CME certification for all those registered from the British Assocation of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsTwitter: @13thQOL\n\n DTSTAMP:20220905T132500Z DTSTART:20221111T142600Z DTEND:20221111T142600Z LOCATION:The Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds LS10 1LT END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR