BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:EVEREST-HN Launch Event UID:2751 DESCRIPTION:We are delighted to invite the BAOMS’s community to attend the EVEREST-HN launch event.\n\nEVEREST-HN is an ambitious research programme involving collaborations with researchers from across the UK based in numerous NHS institutions and 7 UK universities.\n\nEVEREST-HN stands for ‘EVolution of a patiEnt-REported symptom-based risk stratification sySTem to redesign the suspected Head & Neck cancer referral pathway’.\n\nThe main aims of the event are to:\n\nGenerate interest and excitement in relevant healthcare communitiesDescribe EVEREST-HN Work Package PlansIdentify Work Package roadblocks and devise solutionsShare the patient experience of the suspected head and neck cancer pathwayEngage and recruit PIs and Associate PIs for Work Packages 4 and 5This will be a free hybrid event\, running both face-to-face and virtually.\n\nPlease see this flyer for further informationRegister to attend face-to faceRegister to attend virtually  DTSTAMP:20220826T133300Z DTSTART:20220920T133500Z DTEND:20220920T133500Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR